Jamaat protest against unemployment and poor socio economic situation

Islamabad, Sep 24 | The Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) party is readying to hold a nationwide protest across Pakistan on Friday highlighting the governments negligence of the ever-growing unemployment and inflation in the country.

Political parties across the country have been questioning the ability of the government to deliver on these fronts, especially since it has been three years since the coming into existence of the Imran Khan government and promises have been made time and again without any visible results.

The JI has advised its cadres and regional leaders that this is the time for the party to better understand the plight of the people and take up the issues strongly with the government.

In their assessment, the likelihood of the situation improving as far as inflation and unemployment is concerned appears remote in the coming years and hence, the need for immediate redressal of the issue.

The protests would be held near government buildings, at public squares and major intersections across the country. Given the pathetic state of affairs with difficulties and challenges being faced by the ordinary people, there is likelihood of unusually large number of people participating in the protests.

The JI has threatened to continue such demonstrations on a regular basis till such time they see visible action on the part of the government aimed at curbing inflation and unemployment.

Pakistan’s employment rate had surged from 5.8 per cent to 6.9 per cent during Prime Minister Khan’s first year of tenure as per the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics.

Increase in unemployment was observed in the case of both males and females with the male unemployment rate rising from 5.1 per cent to 5.9 per cent and female unemployment rate jumping from 8.3 per cent to 10 per cent.

Leaders of various political parties have been assessing the promises and statements made by Khan from time to time and how he has failed to achieve the promises made during the 2018 manifesto.

Assessments made by different experts indicate that across the border tackling of unemployment is not feasible because the basic conditions for ensuring economic stability and a coordinated socio-economic development framework does not exist in the country.

These experts also feel that there has been a significant dissipation of this framework which the government is clearly aware of but has unfortunately failed to address.

The problems faced in different provinces in terms of water crisis as well as shortage of electricity has only further added to the woes of the people. There is deep-rooted frustration and anxiety among people across Pakistan on the prevailing situation.

Efforts by the government to address some of these issues have glaringly brought out the preferential treatment meted out to some provinces as against the others thus drawing reactions from Sindhi and Baluch leaders.

In the given circumstances, the unstable politico-security situation in neighbouring Afghanistan and its likely fall-out on Pakistan has only further added to the problem.

Post withdrawal of the US from Afghanistan, Pakistan has undoubtedly emerged as the caretaker for Afghanistan – albeit politically for the time being.

Afghanistan’s economic status and any turbulence that it might face in future is bound to impact Pakistan.

In this context, foreign aid and assistance would be crucial for Pakistan to wade through this difficult situation. The US on the other hand has not been forthcoming in allowing any space to Pakistan in this regard.

The hand holding phase seems to have passed over and Pakistan fears that it would be left to itself to withstand an negative effect of developments in and around the country.

There are indications that with Afghanistan emerging as a critical element in the geo strategic dynamics of the region, most Western countries would tend to view the aid given to Pakistan and Afghanistan in a package format, thus cutting into Pakistan’s share.

Pakistan would thus have to strive to ensure stability of its economy and make strident efforts to pull itself out of this mess.

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